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1. c

clearly, 2+p+r+q=11


max(Q)=9 (if R=0 & P=0)

5 P 9

3 R 7

2 Q 8


11 1 4

2. c

Sum of digits =1+9+7+x+5+4+6+2=34+x

For(34+x)to be divisible by 9,x must be replaced by 2.

3. b

4. a

The printf function contains scanf in it.This scanf takes the integer input. Here 10 is an

Integer input. So, scnaf returns 1.Other than integer values,scanf returns 0.

5. b

6. a

7. 27

Sum of the digits of 27 =2+7=9


8. d

Starting letters of days in a week.(Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat)

9. b

Subir arha - ONGC

Naresh Goyal - JET AIRWAYS

Venu Srinivasan - TVS motors

10. a

Jerry Yang ,

David Filo - Yahoo ,

Billgates - Bing

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